I am honestly shocked that it has been one year (minus 20 days) since I last blogged. That is basically blog-quitting, rather than being merely slow to post. I am a blog-quitter.
Anyway, I guess November is
NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month). The idea is to post on your blog once per day during the month of November. I think this whole something-once-per-day-in-November thing started with
NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month), in which they write a novel in a month. I first read about this on one of my favorite blogs,
BreakupBabe. BreakupBabe has since become a real novelist and has pretty much shut down her blog. Anyway, the novel-in-a-month is NOT HAPPENING HERE. I can probably handle a mini-post per day, though. I'm a couple of days late in starting, but I'll try it. Look what happens when I take 3 weeks off from work? I get a little energy and creativity back. Then again, I reserve the right to take another year-long break if I go back to work tomorrow morning and am again 100% wrung out. Also, I will attempt to not do too many cheap photo-posts, but I'm not guaranteeing anything. :)
If you want something cool, witty, funny, interesting, and arty to look at,
LayerTennis totally sucked me in for the past hour and made me not pay attention to The Amazing Race premiere. 2 artists send art back and forth, building on what the other sent. I highly recommend looking through past battles. If I didn't have a
job and
responsibilities on Fridays, I would totally watch the next one live.
That's enough. I'll save some life-updating for future days.